David Fleming
It's All Academic   www.davidflemingsite.com   
Responding to the Ridiculous

The majority of blogs come from something stupid I have seen or heard.  Thank God the internet can bring all sorts of obscure stories from across academia to my door.

September 4, 2023: The Realignment Game (3-Year Bachelor programs)

April 3, 2023: Dear Comrade (On Dear Colleague letters from the Department of Education)

December 19, 2022: The Last Of The Famous International Playboys (On the elimination of chief academic officers)

July 31, 2022: Fluency (Degrees in social influencing)

May 17, 2022: I Didn't Know There Would Be Math In This Blog (Class action lawsuit resolved)

February 25, 2022: Dear Dante (When "maintenance of effort" perpetuates the abuse of language)

February 15, 2022: After All, It's Only Money (Giving COVID-19 relief funds to dual enrolled students)

February 9, 2022: The Third-Party Line (Poem on problem with third-party payer system in Higher Ed)

January 11, 2022: National Chumps (The joke that is the NCAA football championship)

December 20, 2021: The Syllabus: The Gift That Just Keeps Giving (People are shocked that students don't read syllabi)

December 3, 2021: Deep Fakes (When a novel discusses sham colleges as if no-one has ever heard of them)

November 9, 2021: Total College Makeover (When elites decide to start their own college)

November 2, 2021: Restricted Space, The Sequel (Tenement-like dormitories)

October 21, 2021: Professional In Entitlement Only (MSU faculty responds selfishly to request to help students)

August 13, 2021: Where Grit and CRIT Collide (Misleading story on Oregon law regarding high school graduation requirements)

July 21, 2021: 67 Pages With Nothing Going On (DOE Q&A on Title IX Regulations)

June 15, 2021: I Have Hit My Summer's Ad Capacity (Registry for accreditation consulting)

March 31, 2021: Title e-IX (College e-sports is a world of sexism--go figure!)

February 2, 2021: You Say Potato, I Say Spinach (Spinach can email us regarding climate change)

January 27, 2021: Semester At Bernie's (Dead professor still teaching online class)

December 9, 2020: Extreme Takeover: College Edition (Allowing companies to take over college Instragram accounts)

December 1, 2020: Compliance Reliance (On all the compliance reporting in higher ed)

January 16, 2020: The New AI: Artificial Interviewing (AI interviewing recent graduates for jobs)

December 11, 2019: The Blare Witch Project (When protests go bad)

November 4, 2019: Familiar Scripts (Controversies surrounding higher ed . . . in verse)

June 27, 2019: A Kind of Article Review (In PP) (Great OpEd piece on use of PP)

May 29, 2019: Spin Cycles (College trying to smooth over dean's ugly remark)

February 11, 2019: Grandmothers Galore (When faculty so readily dismiss their students' lives)

January 16, 2019: Hegone Engler (Michigan State finally deals with its insensitive interim president)

November 3, 2018: Officer Blues (On the proliferation of Chief Officers on campuses)

October 7, 2018: Verbalizing (When academics start using sunsetting as a verb)

August 27, 2018: Mercy Mercy Me (The Academy) (Mercy College accuses Long Island University of stealing potential students)

April 3, 2018: More Fun In The New Job Posting World (What you can learn about a place from its job postings)

March 19, 2018: When (And Where) You Rank (Bogus college ranking sites)

March 15, 2018: Voodoo Doll Revolution (Recommendations to use boss voodoo dolls for stress management)

March 11, 2018: Bringing In The Sheaths (Advertisement for Executive Director for Male Contraception Initiative)

January 24, 2018: Senses Working Overtime (On odors, sound and sleep)

November 15, 2017: Boring Boors and Bored Boars (When wild boars attack a university, who will notice?)

June 20, 2017: Look At That Cow. . . In The Field (Cow herd research)

June 10, 2017: That is SO U (Southern Oregon University emails money to email scammer)

March 14, 2017: Ideas Not Appropriately Vetted (Two crazy ideas from vet schools)

October 27, 2016: Red-facedbook (Colleges relying on facebook pages for promotion)

September 20, 2016: Say It Ain't Joe (Penn State trying to immortalize Joe Paterno)

August 28, 2016: Quick, Send in the Clowns (Circus degrees)

August 2, 2016: Buzzkill (Students submitting assignments through Buzzfeed)

July 7, 2016: Profiled for Protons; Or, Defiled for Deflection (Colleges separating women science students from men for their own good)

June 27, 2016: Unbridled Registry (Using a search firm to find an interim leader)

June 8, 2016: We All Need Something to Stan(d)for(d) (Stanford rapist getting a slap on the wrist)

March 7, 2016: Show Your Colors (IU press now releasing academic coloring books)

February 27, 2015: These Aren't The Droids We're Looking For (On robotic librarians)

February 16, 2016: I Give You President Undertaker (On college and university medallions)

February 9, 2016: The Skimish On The Mount (Controversy at Mt. St. Mary's in Maryland)

December 16, 2015: Another @*!^#! Research Study (Study shows people who swear have larger vocabularies than those who don't)

December 7, 2015: Blank Your Professor (New website allows students to draw their professors)

November 12, 2015: When Academic Conferences Bottom Out (Kardashian conferences)

September 2, 2015: Let's See What They Do With Fundraising Campaign Finance Reform (Political candidates being offered naming rights for colleges)

August 24, 2015: This Terrifies Me (As I Am Party) (Scholar decides to live David Bowie's life)

August 13, 2015: Eau de Humanities (Perfume specialization for higher education institutions)

April 22, 2015: No Future in Ego Man's Dreaming (Making Vice Presidents resign before a new president begins)

April 14, 2015: Your Cheatin' Doc (Paying for dissertations)

April 8, 2015: Stressed Tests (Cheating on Standardized Testing)

March 9, 2015: The Geeks Don't Want No Greeks (Fraternity ridiculousness)

December 12, 2014: Implosion (Blowing up university buildings)

December 5, 2014: From Sheepskin to Fishnet (Florida for-profit uses strippers to recruit students)

November 25, 2014: Round Tables & Block Heads (Kean University's outrageously expensive conference table)

November 18, 2014: Trashy Poetry (Faculty who don't want to empty their own trash)

November 11, 2014: Use Slyness Writs Anyway (Improvisation in higher education administration)

September 30, 2014: Criminal Injustice (Sad state of affairs at UMass with undercover students)

September 10, 2014: When Someone Doesn't Mean "Go To Hell," Michigan (On board/faculty relationships)

July 30, 2014: Skin Game (Student Drops out of Colorado State University Because of Circumcision Beliefs

July 17, 2014: He Has To Get The Degree, Because This Philosophy Stinks To High Heaven (Presidents going back to school to get terminal degrees)

June 19, 2014: The Louisiana Procurement (Politics and education in Louisiana)

June 5, 2014: Beware The Thundering Heard From West Virginia (WVU and Marshall partnering?)

May 29, 2014: Trigger Happy (Hi)Jack (Trigger Warnings For College Syllabus)

April 8, 2014: Academia as a Fee-fdom (On Colleges Charging Student Success Fees)

April 1, 2014: I Wish This Was an April Fool's Day Joke: Apparently the Fools Are Doing Quite Well

March 25, 2014: Raiders of the Lost Archives (Digitial Syllabi Archive)

March 12. 2014: Without the Essay, The SAT's Are Just A-Tease (SAT changes)

February 25, 2014: "You Ever Notice How Many Suits There Are Around Here These Days?" (Lawsuits and administrative bloat)

February 12, 2014: From Great to Good To Why Freaking Bother (On the watering down of a great books curriculum)

December 9, 2013: Don't Cite a Tweet as a Research Feat (Scholarly apper proves Tweets aren't noteworthy citations)

November 16, 2013: Fill In The Blank Stares (Pop quiz on higher ed news story)

October 23, 2013: Even A Dog Can Strategic Plan (Dog gets MBA offer from online university)

October 17, 2013: I Could Have Saved Myself The Time And Gone With A Reprint (Tenure Tensions)

October 7, 2013: Four and Out (Four stories from higher education)

September 5, 2013: The Papers Chase: Legal Issues Are Swamping Higher Education (Law permeates higher ed. stories)

August 30, 2013: West Uh-Oh Field (Presidential scandal)

August 7, 2013: Is It Just Me (Random observations about higher ed)

July 27, 2013: Do Our Assets Look Too Big?  Good! (Forbes' ranking of private colleges' financial stability)

July 3, 2013: Pearl Ivory Towers (Why God would never be chosen as a university president)

June 26, 2013: Ranking: Full Stop, Please (College rankings and ridiculous criteria)

June 19, 2013: Isn't It Bad Enough We All Have Coke-Bottle Glasses, Anyway? (Eyeglass technology for teachers)

June 4, 2013: Bodies Of Unfortunate Knowledge (On a stupid tweet and a porn journal)

April 30, 2013: Who Is That Person Rambling Up On Stage (2013's most interesting commencement speakers)

April 26, 2013: Food For Thought (Oh, my!  Student unrest at the Culinary Institute of America)

March 5, 2013: Choose Your College Like A Cut Of Meat (On the selling of official university/college beef)

March 1, 2013: Public Relations Nightmare (Higher ed gone wild)

April 9, 2012:  So Now He Posts Once a Month and It Is This Insensitive (On potential kidnapping of University president)

March 7, 2012: Apparently we don't want people who lead by example (On leadership programs)

February 27, 2012:  They Care About Parking A-Lots (On the importance of college parking lots)

February 6, 2012: The Straight Poop (Naming rights to donors)     

December 13, 2011: When you get to question tenure going to want to pull your hair out   (On Inside HigherEd CAO poll)

October 29, 2011: Talk About Job Creation (Degree program in Collaborative Divorce)

August 29, 2011: Of Historical Notes (On what used to be considered truly "college ready")

August 21, 2011:  Satire with a Side Helping of Cranberries, Please (Natural November satire for Higher Ed)

August 8, 2011:  By the Time You Read This . . .* (On the depression that is the Chronicle of Higher Ed's daily newsfeed)

April 20, 2011:  What's Next:  Bar Codes? (On the college transcript)

April 5, 2011: Bismarck:  Sink This Idea (What if the Dept of Ed controlled K-16?)

March 3, 2011: All We Ever Wanted To Know About Sex And Are Afraid To Ask (Two sex-based controversies in higher ed)

January 1, 2011:  Happy New Year:  Skinning the pig of college football (Picking on the low hanging fruit: college football)