David Fleming
It's All Academic   www.davidflemingsite.com   
Total College Makeover

November 9, 2021

Something big is happening in Austin, Texas (where else!).  It even got my college newspaper at West Virginia University to take notice.

They took on a town known

For longhorns, alternative music and

100,000 on Fall Saturday afternoons,

Took their elite degrees,

Prominent pedigrees, to make us over,

Or more accurately make themselves over,

The barons from the broken system bonding

Over the bodies they helped create and maintain.

They promise to counter cultures of censorship

In the same state and same week

Big Bird was cancelled by a Cancun Cruz.

How can anyone keep up

As outrage matriculates to intellectual dissent,

Whitewashing in the guise of sensitive censors,

And talk show hosts who convince all-stars

To abandon their own prestigious education

In the frenzy of fake news?

Many Mountaineers woke to find their president

Caught up in the fire and smoke

Over his advisory role to the rebellious mob

In their race to critical theories

With the money to break Austin City's limits.

More to come I'm sure

As made possible by Cicero.