Archives: The Blogger's Life
Often, blogs come from daily life. Most of these tied back to higher education in at least a minimal way. Not included here could be any number from the HEAD archives, where I blogged week-daily, trying to find something from each day's professional life to comment upon. Mixed within here, also, are some poems that can be found both here, as they reveal something about the blogger's life, as well as the Acts of Random Poetry Archives page. For a period right after I retired, I regularly wrote about what I found in my book storage, captured in the "What's In The Box" archives.
February 8, 2025: Groundhog's Day Underwater (Peculiarity with International Date Line in Archives)
January 29, 2025: Citizen Archivist Fleming (I become a transcriptionist with the National Archives)
October 23, 2024: The Walk (Poem reflecting on a life in walking)
October 11, 2024: My Year Of The Dragon (Watching property get destroyed)
October 3, 2024: The Monster On House Arrest (Poem on having a home EEG)
August 26, 2024: Exile From The Hippodrome (Poem on no longer participating in college activities)
August 23, 2024: A Father Contemplates Father's Day (Rediscovered old poem on fatherhood)
July 8, 2024: Monday, You're Finally Mine (Poem on retirement Mondays)
June 12, 2024: Transient Global Amnesiac (Poem on recent medical situation)
June 3, 2024: No Argument From Me (Poem on mutually dissolving relationships)
May 18, 2024: I In Your Mirror (Poem on reflecting on retirement)
May 15, 2024: A Retiring Sort of Reflection (On my and my father's retirements)
October 5, 2022: Impostering (On suffering from imposter syndrome)
April 30, 2022: A Robe Looks At 40 (On reaching 40 Commencement ceremonies)
December 30, 2021: 32 Years (Anniversary poem)
November 28, 2021: Paper Chasing (Reflecting upon 35 years of professional papers)
September 24, 2021: Self-Care In A World Of Self-Studies (Trying to live the tenets of wellness and self-care)
May 11, 2021: Still Just A Rat In A Cage (Research on stress may have been on me)
April 22, 2021: Voids (Shedding the real and the abstract)
April 21, 2020: When Life Is Not Too Short (Wasting time reading a not-very-good book)
February 13, 2020: The Week That Was (On a crazy week)
November 24, 2019: Artifacts & Academics: Paper (Not throwing away old lecture notes)
November 10, 2019: Artifacts & Academics: The Drive (Mom's flash drives)
October 30, 2019: Artifacts & Academics: The Award (On favorite students)
October 26, 2019: Party (Poem for my twin sisters' birthday)
October 23, 2019: Artifacts & Academics: The Sea Cloud (Dad's passions)
October 5, 2019: Cloud Of My Tongue (Creating a word cloud out of a presentation)
August 1, 2019: In An Unfamiliar Place (As cardiac meets academic)
July 17, 2019: Narrower (A Story Straight Off The Ticker) (More cardiac chronicles)
June 22, 2019: Staring Down The Monsters (On reviewing emails from the month before my heart attack)
June 13, 2019: Forgive A Middle-Aged Man And His Memories (Part II) (Piecing together my undergraduate degree from memory)
May 7, 2019: Recessional (To A Setting Son) (On my son's commencement)
November 26, 2018: Leftovers (Combination of started and stopped blogs ranging from topics of higher ed to football)
October 12, 2018: Ashamed Of The Story I Told (When the person from the past deserved the benefit of the doubt)
October 11, 2018: It's Probably Nothing (Poem on being contacted by person from past)
September 24, 2018: Never SWOT The Dog (My loose dog sets my pondering SWOT analyses)
June 21, 2018: The 400 Blogs (That Blow) [Reviewing 7+ years of blogs]
June 10, 2018: It's What We Do (Poem about doing the little things to help others)
June 4, 2018: Truth Stalking (Random Poem)
March 9, 2018: I'm Not It (The irritating practice of tagging)
January 31, 2018: I Can't Help You Anymore (On letting go of people you can't help)
January 18, 2018: The Joke's On Me (A brief moment to laugh . . . or cry)
January 12, 2018: Not For Public Consumption (Prudence means I can't say what I often should say publicly)
January 5, 2018: Everything Compares 2 U (My obsession with ranking and rating)
December 26, 2017: Of Hearts and Spines (The passing of an old acquaintance)
November 18, 2017: Death Becomes Me (Things only explained by me living in a parallel world)
October 15, 2017: Cardio Cant (Not saving all the pound pets or all the people in need)
October 6, 2017: Oh, Henry! (The passing of a beloved dog)
August 31, 2017: Two Sheds Are Better Than One (Things I shed)
August 25, 2017: Seconds (Taking advantage of second chances)
August 6, 2017: A Broken Rib (Giving up ribs to be broken)
July 25 & July 29, 2017: Ventilator Blues (Surviving a heart attack)
June 29, 2017: I Feel Like A Sleep Number (Participating in a sleep study)
April 27, 2017: 55 Lines Upon Turning 55 (Self-explanatory)
December 23, 2016: Fairytale of My Work (Dealing with crap at work)
November 23, 2016: Thanks (Things I am thankful for)
May 22, 2016: Trail of Years (Reflections on returning to my home town)
January 27, 2016: Progressive Dinners (Part IV of January Series on Intersection of Family and Education)
January 18, 2016: A Son-ography (Part III of January Series on Intersection of Family and Education)
January 12, 2016: Re-buffed (Part II of January Series on Intersection of Family and Education)
January 4, 2016: Piano Center Stage (Part I of January Series on Intersection of Family and Education)
December 28, 2015: Sporting Headaches (On a lifetime of misery following favorite teams)
September 22, 2015: Breathless (Reaction to my "But, Words are Breath" lecture)
July 30, 2015: My Father's Tie (wearing my father's ties)
July 10, 2015: The Suedeheadcase (On finding similarities between Morrissey and myself)
May 18, 2015: The Envelope (More thoughts on the death of my parents)
May 8, 2015: Airplane Mode (To Mom and Dad) (Grieving over the death of parents)
March 28, 2015: Doggie Dime Bags (My dogs wanting medical marijuana)
January 6, 2015: More Shameless Behavior (Videos made for work)
October 28, 2014: A Gong Show Preferable to a Long Show (Gonging Presenters at a Conference)
October 8, 2014: Career Opportunities Are The Ones Never Spam Blocked (Spam job opportunity)
May 6, 2014: Blue By U (On Being a Blue Person)
January 11, 2014: Requiem (On the death of a pet)
January 6, 2014: Polar FabFourtex (Closing colleges during snowstorms)
July 31, 2013: Facts Are Lazy And Facts Are Late (Fact-checking in today's social media)
July 4, 2014: Restoration (In Memory of Dr. Sophia Blaydes)
June 1, 2012: If You Can Read This, Then You Are Not Too Closed (A 360 degree evaluation can be useful)
June 1, 2012: Institutional Memory (On Reading my parents' journals)
April 29, 2012: A Pirate (fan) Looks at Fifty (On entering a sixth decade involvement with education)
April 15, 2012: Blue Tips (What leaders can learn from a stint of umpiring)
February 19, 2012: The Lovely Dance (A Poem) (On love and marriage)
January 25, 2012: A Vent-i Please: A Poem (For when you need a good rant)
November 22, 2011: An AA Meeting Worth Acknowledging (Homage to our administrative assistants)
November 19, 2011: Departure and Cowardice (a poem) (How not to handle a dismissal--personal or professional)
November 4, 2011: I Hate T.V. Re-runs; or, There Really Is Nothing New Under The Sun(gard) (Even the inane comes around in higher education)
October 25, 2011: Slow Down, You Move Too Fast (Defining leadership--in education or not)
September 23, 2011: And on the 8th day . . . (One man's attempt to put creativity into his job)
July 31, 2011: Time To Move On (On leaving Grand Rapids) (Reflections on a short-lived stay)
May 29, 2011: Accreditation: Home Style (To sell a home is to seek accreditation)
June 18, 2011: Smooth Muscle (Dedicated to my father, pharmacologist, on Father's Day) (Lessons on leadership)
May 6, 2011: I was looking for a job, and then I found a job* (On finding a new position)
April 26, 2011: Year Forty-Nine (On getting close to half a century old)
March 6, 2011: Forgive A Middle-Aged Man And His Memories (Nostalgia for West Virginia University days)
October 11, 2010: "A student is on line four. Tell them I'm in a meeting." (Dealing with students)