Year Forty-Nine
April 26, 2011: Year Forty-Nine
{Forgive me for double dipping the blog with the poem. If you don't like that, go ahead and sue me!}
Tomorrow starts a fiftieth year That's got to be better than the last When I learned I should look back And assess what's there, To beware both the snake and the mongoose, To not expect cake when the giver Only recognizes take and mirrors As presents worthy to bear.
Within the year of creeping forty-nine Much was reinforced, almost as much Was resigned, left behind, a pot of gold Sitting on the table declined For the wolves with their suits To dispute line by line In a pursuit to see smoke and ashes Wherever there was only a joke.
But every book turns a new page, No matter how few might be reading, And as I note my age through Lines around my face and my trunk, The truth is that a seedling Is planted, supplanting the dying tree, Roots unstable, leaves long fallen, Teetering dangerously.
Time has come to stand in a field Rich in crops and strong in hope: No scarecrow here, nor gleaner, But a member of an oxen team In a new season, not dry, Full of promise, not empty words, Clean of mind and free of burden As these lines close year forty-nine.