David Fleming
It's All Academic   www.davidflemingsite.com   


Welcome to "It's All Academic," a website serving many functions. It started as support for the book pictured to the right, and was intended to be devoted entirely to topics related to higher education. Academia only can provide so much inspiration. Fourteen years later, more than a thousand blogs, often poems, on any number of topics are categorized by the headings in the menu to the left.

If you like anything here, feel free to leave a comment at the contact page.

Recent Blogs -- General

A Slap In The Face (Poem on current environments)

Groundhog's Day Underwater (Crossing the International Date Line in a submarine)

Citizen Archivist Fleming (On transcribing for the National Archives)

A Broken Arm (Old poem about early childhood friend who died on Pan Am flight blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland)

Captain Footnote (Poem on the loss of fact-checking)


See categories in the menu to the left for more information regarding 1000 archived posts.


 About David Fleming

I am a retired Provost/Chief Academic Officer, now full-time hack writer.