The Veil
March 2, 2025
You've been standing for a decade now
On the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral,
Applauding the spectacle,
Ignoring the assaults in front of you.
You were wed 'neath these spires,
All under the clever disguise
Of God's eyes. You never lifted your veil,
Never doubted the way he made you feel.
You were well groomed, in love
With the rhetoric, the magic,
The promises laid out in floral magnificence.
He heard you pledge eternal fidelity
But never said the same in return.
To stand in this same spot as the world
Passes by is to commit to your dream,
Its gossamer threads and its perception
Of protection despite the violence
That surrounds you, shrapnel ripping
Through your costume, wounding you
As is his custom to want to do.
Your veil remains intact, unmoved
By the attacks both outside and within.
Must have been that Carny's epoxy
That secures it so well to you,
While his car plows through the crowd
Innocently mingling on 5th Avenue.