David Fleming
It's All Academic   www.davidflemingsite.com   
What's In The Box Series

In summer of 2024, I decide to review all my books in storage as part of a basement clean-up. Not surprisingly, but maybe stupidly, it leads to me writing about what gets uncovered with each box.

Box One -- In which our hero goes onto a truly unknown journey

Box Two -- The Cheap Mystery conundrum

Box Three -- When the box produces good memories

Box Four -- Why do you think they called it a Pandora's Box?

Box Five -- "For The Term of His Natural Life" buried among trashy mysteries

Box Six -- The lure of children's literature

Box Seven -- The international thriller: it's not cliché when it takes place somewhere else!

Box Eight -- Ah, the joys of early 20th century marriage advice

Box Nine -- The inane that can clutter a bookshelf

Box Ten -- The authors who don't really need our money

Box Eleven -- I, literally, find religion

Box Twelve -- The cookbook industry

Box Thirteen -- When great ideas get packed up and ignored

Box Fourteen -- My childhood emerges . . . and one weird piece of my professional life

Box Fifteen -- Any number of "what-was-I-thinking"

Box Sixteen Through Thirty-Seven -- More of the same, but never really the same