I In Your Mirror
May 18, 2024
I still can't quite get accustomed
To the new lack of urgency,
To the underwhelming questions
Life now puts forth in front of me.
I no longer need to ponder
Into which lane I need to merge,
Worry about moments squandered
When major arteries converge.
I'm happy to no longer serve
As the house resident expert
On content arcane and blurred,
To be blamed if we come up short.
Slow and sated is the tortoise,
Glad to no longer play the hare,
I don't need much of a purpose,
Give me my tough shell and no flair.
Some might look over the shoulder
And hope to pick out the old me,
But whatever embers smolder,
Have been doused by stupidity.
If you want me, don't come nearer.
Everybody really should scram,
Because I in your rear mirror
Will just seem closer than I am.