David Fleming
It's All Academic   www.davidflemingsite.com   
19 Seconds

April 2, 2020

On-going reflections on a changing society as part The COVID-19 Quintetene. Today's very sad topic: animals.

19 Seconds

It's one of the first stories

To pop on my NPR feed,

The horrors we never see

As shelters must decide what to do

When whistling families

Who used to come in happily

Looking to find their puppy

Now are afraid to be seen.


Why are you all so sad?

Why are you all using such big words?

Barb Bit Your What?

That's what Prince said he heard.


It's a story you won't easily find

Anywhere or any time,

Equally horrific, just as unkind,

As experiments halt with a grind,

And instead of being reassigned

All the subjects can't be left behind

Or ignored in their confines

As their unwilling service's now declined.


Why is it so quiet?

Why do you whisper such big words?

Barb Bit Your What?

That's what Fluffy said she heard.


Even when things seem to go our way,

When we frolic and stray,

Eventually we all must pay

We can't get an appointment to spay,

And much to everyone's dismay

Our offspring will be on full display

With not enough homes in which to stay,

The last we hear is what some kind soul prays


Why such hushed tones?

Why do you mumble such big words?

Barb Bit Your What?

That's what #3 said he heard.


Our holier than thou attitude,

Our moral turpitude,

Arrogant certitude,

Has put them in servitude,

Unable to find their own food,

Grow their own multitude,

Start their own brood,

Collateral damage of our ineptitude.


Barb bit your what?

Bae, bitch, just you wait!


Previous COVID-19 Quintetene Topics:

Education -- Educated And 19

Sports -- Retired 19 Jerseys

Dating -- 19 Swipes