In Your Bed (Crazy Ex)
February 26, 2018
How did she end up in your bed,
That same person who we documented,
Gave us fearful bystanders instead
Of factual witnesses of what was said:
Tell me, sir, how did she end up in your bed?
Her bed is big enough, for sure, to put you there
Next to all the others she did snare,
The countless exes who once shared
The same disgust you and I saw everywhere:
Tell me, sir, how did she end up in your bed?
When you lay down, do you feel the bugs crawling
All over your body and find it appalling,
Or is the rush of a new found purpose so enthralling,
That you suck it up, close your eyes, start bawling:
Tell me, sir, how did she end up in your bed?