The Masters Isn't Good Enough Tournament: Playing For The Elbow-patched Tweed Jacket
April 9, 2011: The Masters Isn't Good Enough Tournament: Playing For The Elbow-patched Tweed Jacket
In honor of the April event that is the Masters Golf Tournament (please, only whisper its name to allow Jim Nantz to follow up with a "tradition like no other"), I suggest a four-day grueling event for university faculty. April is good enough, as it is "the cruelest month."
The 18 challenging "holes" to be completed each of the four days: 1) The Ideal Parking Spot -- Get car as close as possible to office (Par 750 yards).
2) The Confusing Request -- Befuddle department administrative assistant with off-the-wall request (Par 5 requests).
3) The Beverage -- Drink caffeine-laden beverage of choice to get through the day (Par 5 drinks).
4) The Committee Work -- Juggle multiple committee meetings on the same day (Par 3 meetings).
5) The Dissertation Advising -- Advise multiple graduate students on their dissertations (Par 7).
6) The Referred Journal Submission -- Submit same article to multiple journals (Par 4 submissions).
7) The Referred Journal Review -- Provide insightful comments to reviewed article (Par 10 comments).
8) The Obscure References -- Drop obscure references seamlessly into hallway discussions (Par 8 references).
9) The Lament -- Lament work-related topics to colleagues (Par 10 laments).
["Holes" 10 through 12 are the famous "Amen Corner."]
10) The Lecture -- Keep as many students as possible in a 200-seat lecture from leaving before the end of the lecture (Par 118 students).
11) The Office Hour -- Be accessible for full expectation of office hours (Par 10 hours a week).
12) The Maintenance of Patience --Remain composed in front of whiny student and helicopter mom (Par 14 minutes).
13) The Cigarette Break -- Sneak outside for cigarettes (Par 5 breaks).
14) The E-Mails -- Respond to all e-mails within 24 hours (Par 75% response rate).
15) The Phone Messages -- Return all phone calls within 20 hours (Par 48% response rate).
16) The Stack of Papers -- Grade overwhelming pile of student papers (Par 11 papers).
17) The -- Check student papers for plagiarism via (Par 9 papers).
18) The Moments It's All Worth It -- Realize that students do value what you do (Par 2 realizations).