David Fleming
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My Grandfather's Chambers

March 2, 2017

My Grandfather's Chambers

Tonight I find myself wondering about

Wandering through my granddaddy's chambers,

Acutely aware of how worn-down,

Lonely, and weak he must have felt

On that November day when he

Worried that he was slipping,

Falling, failing in ways that he couldn't accept.


Did he feel the chill of the chamber

As he questioned his caliber?

Did the humiliation provide the hammer,

Or did we look too hard for the trigger?


At the last minute, did he take stock

Or gauge any potential regret?

Would he have had time to recoil,

Of do we hope too hard he got a grip?


It is rare that I find myself

Chasing down his shadowy chambers,

But I like to think that was the case

For him most nights too.

Not sure whether that is solace

Or a shocking reminder of how

Only once does the target need to be in sight.