If a Luddite screams at his computer in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear him, does he make a sound?
11/30/2010: If a Luddite screams at his computer in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear him, does he make a sound?
Trying to launch any number of social media provided by IUniverse (10 in all), I realize that my computer continues to be this false god I worship in hopes that I am connecting with readers. I can Flickr, Twitter, apparently Squidoo and WordPress and I'm not sure just what all these activities will gain me. I have no doubt that as I learn a few of them, I will find they have some value for me.
Still I miss the real excitement about telling people about the book at a party or in line at a Panera's, or in a bookstore. Since the book and my writing is a sidelight to a still desired academic career, I'm not sure I can give of the time needed to spread the word via hard copy.
So, as my computer runs very slowly tonight, or perhaps, more accurately, as my Charter connection seems to run slowly, I'm left to record these pithy thoughts in this not-regular-enough blog to an undetermined amount of readers. I know how Julie feels in Julie and Julia as she submits her daily Julia Child blogs.